
Thursday, January 29, 2004

create your own visited states map or write about it on the open travel guide

Pretty sad, no? Look at that swath of unexplored country. If various regions of the country I *have* visited have such different cultures, what must those states hold?

I finally fell asleep at about 5am. And now I have to go to work. *sigh*
posted by Kecia 9:47 AM

who needs sleep? (well, you're never gonna get it)
On the plus side, at least I've gotten a little work done. I thought it would put me to sleep, but apparently it hasn't. I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. On the downside, I have two huge assays to do tomorrow, and I'm going to be completely exhausted. And then Friday I have to present this week's paper, and attend the first Simon class of the semester.


But Saturday we get to go shopping, and Sunday (ok, really Monday) we mail out the save-the-dates! (finally!)
posted by Kecia 3:57 AM

Monday, January 26, 2004

Live - Birds of Pray - What are we fighting for?
Battle flag in the bassinet
Oil and blood on the bayonet
Crowded downtown hit the floor
What are we fightin' for?
The world got smaller but the bombs got bigger
Holocaust on a hairpin trigger
Aint no game so forget the score
What are we fightin' for?
What will I tell my daughter?
What will you tell your son?
Where were all the doves?
That we were nothing but a shadow,
a faceless generation devoid of love?
The crucifix ain't no baseball bat
Tell me what kind of God is that?
Ain't nothing more godless than a war
So what are we fightin' for?
What will I tell my daughter?
What will you tell your son?
Where were all the doves?
That we were nothing but a shadow,
A faceless generation…

What are we fightin' for?

With the coming of spring comes the activist stirrings in my blood. Time (I guess) to turn on the suppressors for another year.

posted by Kecia 5:32 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Odd to find you share your name with a flower.
posted by Kecia 7:43 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Alas, the dangers of making a decision. I have found two absolutely gorgeous bridesmaid/groomsmaid dresses (they even come in the right color!), but I already told Hetal and Jennifer to pick a black dress of their choosing.

*sniffles self-pityingly*

edited to add: also, these two
posted by Kecia 11:28 AM

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Tanker Explosion

We are all fine, those of you who worry.
posted by Kecia 5:10 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Current Conditions

Mostly Cloudy

Feels Like -6°F

posted by Kecia 9:57 AM

Thursday, January 08, 2004


we have internet again!!!

*does the dance of the no longer deprived*
posted by Kecia 6:21 PM


a home for my blatherings on the web, because i have a real need to procrastinate more than i already do


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