
Saturday, May 29, 2004

posted by Kecia 6:00 PM

Friday, May 21, 2004

Cicada Song

Meet the cicada referred to in the previous post. They're so loud now that I can hear them even when I'm in the house with the doors and windows shut and music on. From 12 floors up, they sound like a Martian landing. When standing under trees, they sound like weedeaters. Millions of them. The biologist in me thinks that this is all very cool. The rest of me thinks the biologist is psycho.
posted by Kecia 9:55 PM

Thursday, May 20, 2004

May Madness
There is a cicada on my balcony. I've never gotten a chance to look at one up close for so long before. Its eyes look like red-headed pins stuck in its head, as if some sadistic bug collector had already transfixed it. The rest of it just looks like a monstrously overgrown housefly. There are trillions out there now, according to the entomologists, singing and screwing for tomorrow they die.

And there is one on my balcony.
posted by Kecia 12:00 PM

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Precisely two weeks from now, Matthew and I will be over the Atlantic at this time.

*the mind boggles*
posted by Kecia 6:42 PM

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Spent the whole weekend on wedding stuff and am exhausted. On the plus side, there are now no longer gaping holes in our registry. So that's one thing crossed off our ginormous list.
posted by Kecia 9:49 PM

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

From the Post: A Wretched New Picture Of America
I am ashamed to be an American. I am ashamed to be of the human race. Why does the whole world not cry out? Why do our leaders not feel ashamed and dirty, even defiled? I do.

edited to add: Then this just adds to my grief.
posted by Kecia 8:28 AM

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

random procrastinatory tools

The Sonnet
Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLDf)
Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

Results courtesy of this test and John's boredom at work today. Incidentally, both he and Matthew are loverboys. Matthew's comment: "Hey, I look terribly effeminate!"

In other news, work seems to be going well. For the moment. If I didn't just jinx it. If my boss wakes up on the right side of the bed in the morning.

I have a list of things I want to complete at work before I leave for the wedding. I made this list two months ago, and it hasn't perceptably shrunk in the interving time. Yay for cramming two months of work into two and a half weeks!

Instead of teaching my mom to say that I am a microbiologist/biochemist/geneticist, I should have just told her to tell people that I am a personal assitant for yeast. (not nearly as cool as being a personal assitant for Yeats, as I originally typed) After all, what do I do all day but transport yeast from one home to another, give them food, provide a dating service, provide for their children . . . I guess that's not really what you want to tell people at parties, though. Biochemist sounds much cooler than the truth.

posted by Kecia 9:56 PM

Saturday, May 01, 2004


Getting them here was actually not nearly as complex as we thought it might be. Finding a place to put them, on the other hand, was a little more of an issue. In the end, the oldest futon has been disassembled, the wooden futon (along with the more comfortable futon mattress) is now in my room (w00t!), and the mattress/boxsprings are on the floor in Matthew's room. He only gets it because his room is the only one big enough. Well, and they were a gift from his parents.

We made a master list today of all the stuff we still need to accomplish before the wedding. I'm now hiding from said list.

I'm about three-quarters through with my tiara. My veil, however, remains in sad shape. So little time, so many fun crafty project things to do.

This post is in honor of Dr. Fancypants, who recently joined the dorkdom that is the blogging community.
posted by Kecia 11:52 PM


a home for my blatherings on the web, because i have a real need to procrastinate more than i already do


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