
Thursday, July 22, 2004

Harry Potter and The Who
stolen from a comment at the Leaky Cauldron, here's what we can tell about the half-blood prince:
1) A muggle male with one royal, one non-royal parent
2) A wizard male with one royal parent, one non-royal parent
3) A royal wizard male with one muggle, one wizard parent
4) A royal wizard male with muggle parents
5) A royal wizard male with wizard parents who are not "pureblooded" wizards
6) A royal squib male
7) A royal wizard who is half-human, half-other creature (a la giant,veela, vampire, etc.)
8) A spoiled/pampered (but not actually royal) male wizard with muggle parents
9) A spoiled/pampered (but not actually royal) male wizard with wizard parents who are not "pure-blooded" wizards
10) A spoiled/pampered (but not actually royal) male wizard with one muggle, one wizard parent
11) A spoiled/pampered (but not actually royal) male squib
12) A spoiled/pampered (but not actually royal) male who is half-human, half-other creature (such as giant, veela, etc.)
13) Various highly infeasible translations, such as a royal male being that is 50% blood and 50% other assorted matter.

We've almost got it figured out. Really. :) (list provided by Seyrah Z)

posted by Kecia 9:29 AM

Monday, July 12, 2004

Have to keep reminding myself that the more you have, the more you want . . . *sigh*
posted by Kecia 10:09 PM

Sunday, July 04, 2004

God Bless All Peoples

posted by Kecia 9:54 PM


a home for my blatherings on the web, because i have a real need to procrastinate more than i already do


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